Friday, March 4, 2011

Nars blushes swatches 【Nars 腮红试色】 Part II

Dolce Vita is a dusty rose blush with a cold tone, good for winter look. The quality is as good as usual, I haven't tired it on my cheeks, but I guess it looks better on pale skin.
Dolce Vita是冷色调的玫瑰色,适合冬妆。质量没得说,虽然我目前还没用过,但是感觉应该适合所有肤色

Oasis somehow looks similar to Sin in the pan, except for Oasis has gold sparkles in it. But when I apply it on my cheeks, Oasis is definitely more pinky. Sin, in the other hand, looks more mature. I hope you can see the gold sparkles in pics below.

Nars describes Gina as matte tangerine. Well, I don't know if it's accurate. As you can see from the pic below, it looks nowhere near like tangerine. I would describe it as apricot (Taj Mahal is tangerine right?). Anyway, it's a good color for summer look, and it goes with any skin tone I think, as long as it can show up on your cheeks.

Luster is the every first Nars blush I got, so I have a specially feeling for it. Nars describes it as sheer golden apricot which I agree. Luster and Gina looks similar in the pan, of course, Luster is shimmery and darker, but still...I don't understand why Gina is tangerine.

Desire is cotton candy pink according to Nars. I think it pretty much says everything I have to say about this color. I remember I was scared when I saw it for the first time, it's way too bold in the pan, but when I applied it on the cheeks, it's lovely, cute, not bold at all! Love it!
Nars 对Desire的颜色描述还是很准确的——糖果粉(棉花糖粉?。我记得我第一次看到Desire的时候吓了一跳,在盘里颜色超深的,不过涂到脸上就是很美好,很年轻的粉色了。爱!
Over! I didn't sleep last night, so I actually don't know what I'm talking about, neither in English, nor in Chinese...sorry about that!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Nars blushes swatches 【Nars 腮红试色】 Part I

I'm absolutely a fan of Nars blushes, but I'm not collecting them, I don't even have the most famous Orgasm(but I do have multiple in Orgasm), b/c it's really not the color for most of Asians. One of my friends had it and hated it. I also tried at Sephora, awful, it enhanced my pores, made me look ridiculous. So if you are an Asian, I'm so not recommending it, unless your are NC15 (I'm NC20) and have a absolutely flawless skin. I don't have Deep Throat neither, for me, it's just a normal color, but I might get it one day when I have enough budget.
So, jump...
我绝对是个Nars fan, 不过我没在收集,像经典的高潮我就没有(有高潮的multiple). 其实高潮并不是为亚洲人设计的颜色。我一姐妹收了,悔得肠子都青了,从来没用过。我在Sephora也试过,上脸巨显毛孔,再加上金闪...整个一村姑啊...总而言之,除非你皮肤干净无暇,NC15(我是NC20)或者更淡,还是别尝试了。国内没专柜,试起来不方便,买了不合适就真的是哑巴吃黄连了。深喉我也没收,讲实话,除了是高潮的代替品之外,我看不出它有任何特别的地方,不过等我有闲钱了估计还是会收...:P

Top: Mounia
Second row (left to right): Torrid, Amour, Sin
第二排(左到右): Torrid, Amour, Sin
Third row (left to right): Crazed, Dolce Vita, Oasis
第三排(左到右): Crazed, Dolce Vita, Oasis
bottom row (left to right): Gina, Luster, Desire 
最下排(左到右): Gina, Luster, Desire

All the swathes are applied on a NC25 skin, and applied by Bobbi Brown blush brush
手臂颜色大概NC25样子,腮红都是用Bobbi Brown腮红刷刷的

First is Mounia, you can find it on Nars website, it's a cinnamon coral (as the website describes), but I really can't see any coral in it, it's more like a cinnamon red with shim in it. Really really pretty and pigmented, but kind chalky when I apply it.

Torrid is a shimmery coral. Simply a nice, go to color. It's not a deep color,but you still have to be careful when you apply it, as it's super pigmented and easy to pick up the color. 
Torrid 是带闪珊瑚色(汗...),大众色,但是很漂亮,什么妆都能搭,当然下手还是要注意,轻轻轻!这款是相当显色的。

Amour is a lovely matte peachy pink color, I just got it, haven't really applied with any look, but it does look pretty in the pan. 
Amour 是雾面橘粉。我才收没多久,还没用过,只是试了个色,不过看着挺美的啦,上脸应该也不错。

Sin, I love Sin!! The website describes it as berry with gold shimmer, I don't know whether it's berry (for me it's a hard color to describe) but I can't really see any shim when it's on cheeks. Also it has a cool tone in it, which is good, makes the whole make up really clean. BTW, I don't think it's a good color for tanned skin. 
Sin 是我大爱的颜色!!官网形容是berry加金闪(真的不知道该怎么翻这个berry...大家看图意会吧,反正没啥色差)。基本上涂在脸上是看不出金闪的。Sin属于冷色调腮红,我个人觉得冷色调腮红会让整个妆容更干净。不过这块不太适合深皮。

Crazed was actually discontinued and re-leased recently, but it's sold exclusively on Nars official website. Ok, according to Nars, it's a raspberry red with shimmer, a bold vivid color. But the Crazed I got is a different story. It's not bold at all!!!! Like a redder version of Sin... and it definitely looks nothing like earlier swatches I saw. Maybe they changed the color to make it more applicable? I don't know... a little disappointed. I hope it's not the original color, so I am still able to get the Crazed I wanted.

To be continue...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rock&Republic Blush swatches 【rock&republic 腮红试色】

I have five R&R blushes and one R&R eyeshadow that I use as a blush, but today I'm gonna do blushes only,so here they are:
目前总共有五块R&R家腮红以及一个R&R的眼影 ,我同样用来做腮红,不过今天只做腮红试色:
Top (left to right): X-Rated, Immoral
上(左到右):X-Rated, Immoral

Middle (left to right): Bedroom, Tease
中(左到右): Bedroom, Tease
底:All Nighter

X-Rated is a matte fuchsia blush, it's really pigmented, and looks good on pale skin
X-Rated 是非常漂亮的雾面桃红色,极度显色,涂的时候要极度小心,适合白皮

Immoral is a matte orange red blush, pigmented, and easy to pick up the color
Immoral 是款雾面橘红色腮红,显色度好,容易取色,下手一定要轻,不然就成猴子屁股了

Bedroom is a matte light orange blush, to be honest, it doesn't impress me at all, you can find this kind of color in every brand. The quality is good though, pigmented and easy to pick up. It reminds me of Gina from Nars.
Bedroom 是款雾面淡橘色腮红,说实话,颜色很一般,所有牌子里都能找到这中颜色。不过粉质还是分不错的,显色度好,很容易取色,上脸有点像NARS的Gina。

Tease is my favorite one, really unique, pretty cool pink with a purple tone! The quality is as good as usual, and it works for both winter and summer, I just love it. You can never go wrong with this color, but the only problem is, it might not show up on darker skin.
Tease是这几款当中我最钟意的颜色. 非常特别的冷色调粉。粉质一如既往的细腻,属于百搭色,冬夏都可以用。不过由于颜色相对比较淡,在深色皮肤上可能看不太出来。

All Nighter looks really similar to Immoral, it's also a orange red but has a gorgeous golden shim in it,which makes it more exotic. I think it might looks like Taj Mahal from Nars with less orange but more red (?) I don't know, I don't Taj Mahal to compare them, but I will, b/c Taj is on the list!
All Nighter和Immoral 很像,同样是橘红色,但是All Nighter里多了金闪,因此更具异域风情。我猜有可能和Nars的Taj Mahal比较像,但是没有taj那么橘,我没有taj,现在不好比,以后买了再做对比。

 All the blushes were watches on a NC20-25 skin, applied with Bobbi Brown blush brush.
所有腮红的试色都用bobbie brown的腮红刷刷上去的,手臂颜色大约是NC25, 算是亚洲人的中等色吧。
Overall, R&R blushes are very pigmented, easy to blend, and long lasting. The problems are the selection, which is limited, and the packaging which is way tooooo big and fancy. But anyway, I still want Kinky and Spank! XD
总而言之,R&R的腮红很上色,也很容易晕开, 持久力也不错,就是色号比较少,包装也太大太华丽,很不实用。不过我还是想要收kinky和spank!哈哈哈~

Thank you for watching!!